IT Expliots and Musings of an Aspiring Writer

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Altering the Plan

So I started the middle of the book before I wrote the beginning. While I don't regret that decision at helped me decide where the beginning needed to is making Chapter 14 a bit of a challenge. I was pretty happy with Chapter 14 before I started editing Chapters 11-13, but based on some feedback, there were a few things that really didn't make sense. So now that I'm changing those things, Chapter 14 just doesn't work.

So now I need to redo 14. It's not the end of the world, I think the story will be better now that I'm making these changes. However, it's going to be quite complicated for me to work around these changes unless I completely re-write this chapter. There are several key passages I NEED to have in this chapter. My current challenge is figuring out how to keep those passages in the new flow of the chapter.

I need to lock myself in a room for an hour or so with no distractions and really think this through. Now, to just find that room...and that hour.


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