IT Expliots and Musings of an Aspiring Writer

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Bad Day Turned Around

I was having a crappy day today. Went to the doctor only to find out that I had to have a test done before the doctor would even see me (nothing serious), so I wasted the time for nothing and now have to schedule two more appointments (one for the test and one for the follow up appt). Then there were issues with high speed connectivity at the office. Then I missed an important conference call because of those issues. Then there were bugs out on the manufacturing floor with the computer programs. Then my boss comes bugging me about petty shit that really doesn't need to be bothered with when the routers are down the there are bugs on the floor.

But, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. In this case, the light turned out to be a friend of mine telling me that she loved Chapter 1. I gave her Chapters 1-4 yesterday and she didn't have time to read them all, but she thought Chapter 1 was really good. Again, I nearly cried. I had such a horrible day up to that point and once she told me she liked the chapter and it held her attention and flowed smoothly I nearly hugged her. I'm beaming now. I don't beam. Sure, I smile, but I don't beam.

Anyway, the best comment she made? "I had to stop and remind myself that I wasn't reading a real book." Of course I told her that it would be a real book some day, but you probably know what she meant. She thought it was good enough to actually be something she'd buy at the bookstore. YES!

Ok, for the next two hours I have to back to the land of bugs and bosses and missed conference calls and petty demands. But I can handle it now. I'm still beaming.


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