IT Expliots and Musings of an Aspiring Writer

Friday, January 21, 2005

Coming Clean

I've been hiding what I'm doing for a long time. I started writing back in October. At first, I didn't even tell my family. After all, what if I failed? What if I couldn't even come up with a cohesive story? I started with a single scene, where the hero and the heroine meet again, after many years. She's at her weakest, he helps her to be strong again. That scene, and the ones immediately before and immediately after, which I wrote next, really didn't have anything to do with the main plot of the book. Sure, they were emotional, hopefully engaging, powerful scenes, but there really was no plot to them.

I didn't get to the scenes that actually had anything to do with the plot until much later, perhaps five or six weeks. Once I actually wrote Chapters 1 and 2, I finally felt like I could admit my plans to a few of my closest friends. Other than a few wonderful women on a bulletin board I frequent, no one knew about the book until about two weeks ago.

Since then, I've told three friends, and my father. That's it. I want to tell more people - hell, I want to shout it from the rooftops, but as I still have no idea if this book will be a success, I won't. I figure coming clean here is better than not at all. I hope, that when I finally do tell my friends and family, that they will forgive me for being so hopelessly wrapped up in this that I've ignored most of them for quite some time.

I'm sorry.


  • At January 28, 2005 at 5:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I believe in you and your book. I've been reading your written word for a long time now, and although it hasn't been fiction (at least, I don't think so *grin*), you've always written well. You are forgiven for not letting the world know.

    Jane (as in from the boards, Jane)


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